Overview of Press Releases and F20 Statements by the Foundations Platform F20.
Press Releases
G20: International platform of foundations and philanthropy calls upon the G20 Heads to increase actions on climate change and future resilience
The Foundations Platform F20 encompassing more than 80 foundations mainly from the G20 countries today calls upon the G20 Heads of State to take more action on climate protection and on the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As decribed in the list of recommendations published today in Delhi, “climate change impacts are escalating and the G20 countries are in the driver’s seat on a road towards either a planet unliveable for human beings or a future-oriented scenario that keeps average temperature increase below the dangerous benchmark of 1.5°C”.
June 8, 2023
F20 Statements
COP15: Big step ahead at biodversity COP15
: F20 highly appreciates the results of the UNCBD COP15 meeting which took place from December 7th to 19th in Montreal, Canada and which was hosted by the government of China. Delegates were tasked to design the so called Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and they did deliver on some of the key issues: A global target to protect nature and a financing roadmap how to get there.
December 20, 2022
F20 Statements
UN Climate Summit and G20: Good Week for Multilateralism Despite Only Small Steps to Confront the Global Climate Crisis
Neither the G20 countries nor the COP27 did manage to agree on joint interim steps towards a 1.5 degrees trajectory nor on a concrete roadmap until 2030. Multilateral action to confront the global climate crisis and accelerating the global energy transition, is therefore still insufficient and far from track.
November 22, 2022
Press Releases
G20 Summit in Bali: broad consensus to face global challenges and to cooperate on the worsening climate crisis
The G7 has the responsibility as a
subgroup of the G20 countries to set the bar high for the upcoming G20 summit and UN
meetings on climate and biodiversity.
November 17, 2022
Press Releases
G20: Strong call from foundations and philanthropy for climate action
The Foundations Platform F20 encompassing more than 80 foundations mainly from the G20 countries has today urged the G20 Heads of State to take action on climate and adopt concrete targets aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
September 23, 2022
Press Releases
G7 have to walk the talk and significantly accelerate the expansion of renewable energies through joint targets and implementation instruments
International platform of foundations in the G20 context calls upon the governments of the G7 countries to enhance climate partnerships and to agree on arenewable energy power target of 70% by 2030
June 24, 2022
F20 Statements
COP 26 Outcome: Two Sides of the Same Coin – A Turning Point for Coal, but 1.5 Degrees Not Yet Within Reach
Despite the momentum, this climate summit has on the one hand built a sound basis for a global phase-out of coal and more climate action, but on the other hand not set the course for keeping the below 1.5 degree limit within reach unless quick improvements to the targets of the biggest emitters are following.
November 15, 2021
F20 Statements
Statement by the Foundations Platform F20 on the Communiqué of the G20 Summit in Rome
The G20 Outcome: No long-term Action Plan on the Climate Crisis – but a Positive Spirit of Urgency for COP26 and Encouraging Signs for Next Year’s G20 Process
November 1, 2021
F20 Statements
F20 Statement of urgency on the G20 Summit 2021 this weekend in Rome
October 29, 2021
F20 Statements
Joint Climate Statement of G20 Engagement Groups directed to the Italian Presidency of the G20
Despite the momentum, this climate summit has on the one hand built a sound basis for a global phase-out of coal and more climate action, but on the other hand not set the course for keeping the below 1.5 degree limit within reach unless quick improvements to the targets of the biggest emitters are following.
October 28, 2021
Press Releases
International platform of foundations: G20 countries must put their words into deeds
One month until the G20 Summit will take place in Rome under Italian presidency, leading representatives of international organisations and foundations have convened this week for the “F20 Climate Solutions Forum” in Milan to intensively discuss the solutions at hand to address the current pandemic and the biodiversity and climate crises.
October 1, 2021
Press Releases
G20 should act on the Climate Crisis and enable local action for resilience
Open letter by representatives of international Community Foundations
June 23, 2021