The G20 is the most important international forum bringing together the 20 major economies of the world accounting for more than 80% of global GDP, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union. As a result of the G20 summit in India, the African Union joined the G20 as a permanent member as well. This step makes it a 19+2 union, rather than a G20. The two continental unions are namely the African Union and European Union. Likewise, the G7 group involves the world‘s seven largest so-called advanced economies. The G7 has a vital role in maximizing the opportunities to solve the climate crisis and is considered a “subgroup” of the G20 countries. As neither the G20 nor the G7 have a permanent secretariat, the rotating presidencies are establishing the annual agenda and respective activities every year. Throughout the year, ministerial meetings, Sherpa meetings and special events are organised in the context of the annual G20 summit.
Every year, leaders of the 19 largest economies, the African Union and the European Union come together at the G20 summit to primarily discuss matters of financial stability, while also addressing present challenges such as climate change and sustainable development. By gathering emerging economies and industrialized countries the G20 is well placed to factor in different perspectives and to consider the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement as the basis for the design of any future frameworks.
The Brazilian G20 Presidency started on December 1, 2023. In the wake of the new G20 host, F20 actively engages to establish and enhance a trustful working relationship with its Brazilian partner foundations, especially the The Institute for Climate and Society (iCS).
„Building a Fair World and a Sustainable Planet” is the guiding theme of this year’s Brazilian G20 Presidency. A special focus is put on:
1) Social inclusion and the fight against hunger
2) Energy transition and sustainable development in its social, economic and environmental aspects
3) Reform of the global governance institutions
F20 is eager to increase scale, pace and speed for Paris-aligned climate action in an inclusive, intersectional and holistic manner. The key topics the F20 Platform will address questions related to global food justice, sustainable finance and implementation of the SDGs. Main areas also include the just energy transition and questions how to increase the resilience of our societies. Over the course of the Brazilian G20 Presidency, Alice Amorim (iCS) is holding the F20 Co-Chair position. It is within this context that the annual F20 flagship event – the Climate Solutions Forum- is planned to take place in Brazil.