According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), Africa will be impacted by climate change more than any other continent even though the continent only contributes less than 4% of the world’s total Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Africa has the lowest historical and current emissions. AR6 also estimates that adaptation costs in developing countries will reach $127 billion (when?), and Africa needs up to $86.5 billion annually by the year 2030”.
This conclusion is why the G20 must come out with concrete action to tackle the climate crisis in Africa. The G20 must not play politics with the lives of Africans or stand idle while impacted communities and the planet continue to suffer. There are growing examples of near irreversible impacts of the impacts of fossil fuels on communities. In Mauritania and Senegalese fisherfolks are now groaning due to the invasion of their waters by BP through its GTA (Greater Tortue Ahmeyim liquified natural gas) project, rated the world first nearshore LNG terminal. The oil giant has caused loss of livelihoods without clear compensation facilities for their biodiversity-aquaculture and livelihood loss thereby exposing them to climate vulnerability. The entire fishermen economic value chain around the major fishing areas in Saint-Louis and N’diago respectively will be greatly affected, with no one to speak for them on issues of compensation. The G20 has some influence over the major world industrialized nations that pollute more and emit more greenhouse gasses that are contributing to climate crisis we are suffering today. It is imperative at this point that the group come-out clear with concrete and realistic financial contribution to address loss and damage financing for locally impacted communities suffering from the activities of fossil fuels corporations and vulnerabilities they are exposed to.
Africa will continue to suffer from environmental degradation, if the G20 not re-strategies its approaches to ensure local community led climate action and capacity to better mitigate the climate crisis. The G20 must support and increase climate risk insurance equity financing for Africa investment development in the energy sector and alternative livelihood. In view of the fact that the Net zero emission reduction target for keeping 1.5c alive is not realistic and African governments lack the political will to commitment invest in carbon emission reduction plans for local communities, Africa will be left with stranded assets, stranded personnel and stranded communities.
Oil and Gas Industry
Bob Tipton said that the poorest nations have the greatest sustainable resource and the richest nations know it hence the rich are motivated by the fear of losing what they have to the poor ‘. In the plans to address the current energy shortage in Europe due to the Russia-Ukraine war, attention is now on Africa to help remedy the energy crisis in Europe. A whopping $245 billion will be invested in gas pipelines across Africa and according to Global Energy Monitors report, these is danger of these turning into stranded assets since they are designed as a short-term mitigator of Europe’s energy crisis. Our concern now is the numbers of smallholder farmers, ecological biodiversity that will be destroyed, and how this process will lead to increased unemployment and shortage of food and food insecurity across the region.
The G20 must step up their intervention to ensure false solutions, fake theories of mitigation are foisted on Africa.
They must end fossil fuels expansion and invest in our future by providing funding for locally led adaptation research and indigenous renewable energy development projects as well as huge investment in technology transfer in Africa. This will provide green jobs, improve local business, tackle energy poverty and reduce emission reduction. If the G20 starts massive investment for local community implementation to tackle climate change, these will surely return on investment, human capital development, reduce migration, improve local solutions to drive locally mitigative action in the fight against climate disasters.
2022/2021 ACTIVITIES :
Global Solidarity Against fossil-fuels colonialism & expansion in Africa :
Niger Delta Climate Change Exhibition
Art exhibition:
Art 4 Climate Justice and Pre-Cop 27,
PAUSE (Protect, Unite for a Safer Environment) Let’s Talk Climate Change :
Climate change Education ( Community and School outreach campaign ) :
Awakening Climate Consciousness in our people Peckham Levels , London Climate change exhibition:
Policy dialogue for intergenerational solidarity on climate change in Edo :
Niger Delta Oil Impacted Community Dialogue (Oil Politics : The Peoples Plight on the Divestment Plans by OICs):
Documentary on Environment and Community Needs Assessments in the Niger Delta
Youth Day : Stakeholders explore Just transition amid climate challenges
#Edoactnow Townhall Meeting, In Developing Early Warning System For Community Stakeholder & Media In The State :
Localizing Climate action -a community adaption approach for environmental sustainability and strategy for enhancing grassroots mitigative action to tackle climate change ISBN978-978-790-691-0
Fix Climate Crisis Now – flooding the unprepared impact od climate change in Nigeria ISBN978-978-784-329-8
Support Our 2023 Activities :
- Edo Vote for Climate Multi-stakeholder’s Dialogue
- West Africa Climate Justice Summit
- West Africa Climate Crisis Impact Learning Visits Documentary
- Global Solidarity Against fossil-fuels colonialism & expansion in Africa (Campaign)
- Review of the Nigeria NDCs accessing level of performance, and meeting up with their commitment to local communities decarbonization, adopting energy efficient models of transportations etc.
- Learning brief on the peoples perspective in focus on the contents of the climate change Act how they can or cannot address Nigeria’s climate challenges ?
- Accelerating local community energy transition (The Alternative for fossil-fuels and livelihood loss)
- School of Environment and Energy Democracy (SEED Co-hurt 1)
- Net-Zero Local Awareness Campaign (The Community Dialogue on Emission Reduction Education )
- Fix Climate Crisis Now -The Stories from Africa 2nd edition
- Art 4 climate justice academy and the Niger Delta Climate Change Exhibition 3rd Edition
- Strengthening Collaboration for Mitigative climate action -Pre-Cop, Cop side events, exhibitions and Post Cop activities
For more details Contact Us, +2348064871447,